There is the basic principle in the productivity community, time management is everything the obsession over calendars, the Eisenhower matrix, planners list, and so forth is a direct reflection of this. But is time management really the best and the most foundational principle? Look at it to more productive.
I found this quote from a book called the power of full engagement.
Performance, health, and happiness are grounded in the skillful management of energy.
The number of hours in a day is fixed but the quality and the quantity and the quality of energy available to us are not, it is our most precious resource. The more we take the responsibility for the energy we bring to the world the more empowered and productive we become.”The thing is we only have 24 hours a day; we may manage our time throughout those 24 hours figuring out exactly what we want to do each hour of the day. For instance, your output while working between 9 am and 10 am be the same as your output if you decided to work between 9 pm and 10 pm after a heavy workout. This reasoning is the basic premise of energy management.
Although time management is full of good intentions it can truly answer a lot of the externalities that happen throughout the day. Also, time management ends up promoting hustling, finding more time and managing it better, to work more and work harder all the time and you all know I really don’t believe in hustling.
Step #1: Prioritize your High Energy Hours:
Managing your energy effectively is prioritizing in your schedule your high energy hours. A morning person is not blessed with unlimited productivity; a morning person is simply able to allocate the most productive time in the morning than the rest of the day as simple as that. If you are not naturally inclined to do most of your best work in the morning, there is no need to pressure yourself completely to change your natural rhythm and routine to fleece whatever productivity principle you think you need to please. Also, it really doesn’t matter if your interval of max productivity is short, your energy is naturally limited and it is supposed to be unless there is an underlying health issue you need to address. Respect your natural amounts of energy and you will respect your body and your mental health as well.
As such the key here is” to strategically allocate hard complicated or creative tasks to your best hours. If you don’t know when your best productive time occurs don’t fret. All you have to do is start paying attention and recording at what time to do your best work. Over a few days or weeks, you’ll notice a pattern, and that pattern can be regular though and it supposed to be irregular for instance some days. You may produce your best hours between 9 & 11 AM, other times between 10 and 12. That interval can change overtime although it usually doesn’t change dramatically. If you have a more irregular pattern of productivity, just try to schedule things for that interval in general instead of scheduling by the minute.
Step #2: Fully Engaged or Fully disengaged:
To replenish your energy you should be able to be fully engaged or fully disengaged. ‘When you're working you should be working very hard, you should be focused and trying your best to feel motivated with a clear goal ahead then when it’s time to disengage, you should allow yourself to really relax and do something that makes you enjoy.
The principle here is that:
"you should attempt to carry on with an oscillatory life rather than a direct one"
If you are like me you are gone have to work at least 7 or 8 hours every single day. if that your case as well as the main recommendation according to the energy management principle is to have more fully engaged breaks this will allow you to replenish your energy and preservation.
Step # 3: Focus on Finishing instead of Accumulating:
Accumulating tasks with no clear plan on how to tackle them is surely the best way to completely deplete your energy and ensure you are going to feel stressed and totally overwhelmed.
To manage your energy correctly make sure you are avoiding first of all task switching. Basically anytime you switch between different tasks without reaching their completion. You are the poor allocation of your energy that’s because switching your mindset between different tasks and tapping into different sources of information is actually more demanding than you make think. Doing it multiple times per day will ensure you will feel exhausted and it will very difficult to produce high-quality work. And just like tasks switching, avoid multitasking. Multitasking has the same issues of task switching but it is even worse because you switch between mindset and information even more often than with task switching.
Step # 4: Energy cycles are not only daily; they can be weekly, monthly, and even seasonal:
Energy cycles are not only daily they can be weekly, monthly, and even seasonal. Energy management has a lot to do with your ultradian rhythm. All trading rhythms are biological cycles occurring within 24 hours and they are responsible in part for your energy peaks and your slums throughout the day.
Although most productivity literature prefers to convey the idea that daily routines are key to efficiency. If you feel particularly down during a certain month of the year or if you feel like your energy is not the same during a particular season, just allow yourself to rest and cut back on your own self-imposed demands for a bit. You have time to get back to it no time.
Step # 5: Stop Thinking you are lazy:
So final tip to manage your energy correctly and I admit this one a bit conceptual is to stop thinking of yourself as lazy whenever you are in a slum. The problem with the word lazy is not what it really means, but rather what we tell ourselves it means you’re not a bad person or unwilling to work because you are low in energy and your mind and your body is not acting as you want them to act. You are not a bad person you have mental health issues and can’t get out of your bed in the morning so, stop thinking you are lazy became not being energetic doesn’t mean you are unwilling to use any effort or do any work.
Discipline and productivity do not reflect your values as a person. Sometimes you just need to heal and give yourself some time and just put aside other things in the process. This is necessary and should be defended instead of frowned upon. So never call yourself lazy and don’t berate yourself for lack of energy. Another thing that boosts energy is just learning new things and although I m a huge believer that you can start learning new things and habits any time of the year. Usually, January is considering that type of motivational month that feels perfect for this. In this article, we talk a lot about managing your energy travel in rhythm.
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